5 Beginners Tips on Digital Illustration Techniques

Creative Designs

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Unleashing ones creative potential is facilitated with more ease nowadays thanks to advanced digital illustration technology and guides. Digital illustration is not an unfamiliar topic for anyone from the art background. Let us see those 5 tips on digital illustration that can guide you towards outcomes above reproach and become skilled illustrator.

digital illustration techniques

Top 5 Digital Illustration Tips to Improve Your Artwork

  1. Start with a tablet

    It is almost impossible to draw using an optical or laser mouse. The precision that is provided by it will not match the clarity and perfection that a tablet provides. A pen tablet helps making drawings easier. There are a number of brands that comes with various prices and features. Make sure you select the best one that suits your needs.

  2. Have a clear planning

    A perfect piece of art requires some hard work and there has to be a definitive plan. It has to work out to bring that picture into life. Ideas and compositions create a mix of colors on the palette or paper. So it is better to create that ideas and let them work out.

  3. Understanding tools

    Brushes! What else comes to mind when selecting tools for an artist? Brushes come in a variety of size and shape and they are suitable for a variety of purposes. Be very selective and have your favorite ones ready while drawing. It is one of the most important digital illustration tips.

  4. Understanding and referencing

    Mistakes will help you to be better with your art pieces. It is appreciable if you can spend some time to do a research about the topic. Enough observation regarding color, light and shadows will help professional artists. Try to draw photos from memory and use the referencing trick to the fullest extent whenever possible. Mental calculations and references are appreciable but always keep physical backups in case they are required.

  5. Adjusting layers

    Layering is a lifesaving tip for amateur artists. The reason is that there are a number of tricks like gradient maps and color balances which take the illustration out of range. If something goes wrong or doesn’t fit the place, layers will help you remove it.

Dos and Don’ts of Digital Illustration

  1. Work on a few personal projects

    By doing some personal projects, you can create an awesome portfolio that you can showcase to prospective employers or to clients in order to bag lucrative deals that involve projects that you are comfortable with. You may often feel pressed for time, but investing time and energy in creating a personal portfolio would truly help you build up an initial reputation.

  2. Analyze what you actually want

    Every illustrator has his/her specific style and you should honor your own style, which means that you should learn to say No for projects that you don’t like or don’t feel comfortable working on. As a beginner, you are more likely to accept most of the offers even if such projects do not justify your key style. If you take up projects that you don’t like, you will continue to get similar projects in the future. You may not get chance to work with a bigger brand, but working with smaller companies would definitely let you learn more and deliver more personalized experience. You should choose work that you love so that you can deliver the best results.

  3. It’s not a good idea to follow the trend

    As an illustrator, you should adopt original approaches. Even if someone else’s work fascinates you, you should not copy his/her idea and apply the style in your work. It is never a good idea to follow trends; rather you should set up your own style and let your clients know about it. Initially, you may be tempted to find some inspiration from the works of your favorite artists, but your skill levels get matured, you should set up your own unique style.

  4. Use the internet for promotions

    The world is your marketplace; you do not need to be located in a specific place in order to bag deals. You should use the Internet thoroughly in order to make the most out of the available opportunities. You should set up a solid online identity by building your website and letting your works featured in the gallery section. Use the social media platforms to spread words about your services and to build a large audience population.

Above all, the golden tip is to keep on practicing until you improve your digital art skills. Using the latest vector art software programs can help you try new techniques and enhance your career in digital illustration.

Leon William

Working in MAPSystems as a Senior Business Strategist, Leon William has solid experience in strategizing business plans that are targeted to meet business objectives in every way possible. Leon is specifically interested in performing gap analysis and adopting special measures to take the brand to the next level by using the right communication channels. He can handle challenging situations while developing a hard-core strategy for the emerging markets and is passionate about taking the legacy forward.