11 Simple Tips to Be an Awesome Copy Editor


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Having a keen eye to produce incredibly concise and accurate copies can make you an invaluable asset to any organization, even if you don't work for a professional company offering copyediting services. Copyediting is widely used, especially in the advertising industry, and having excellent editing skills can help your company better decide when it’s time to hire a copyediting services provider for marketing efforts.

If you're looking to refine your skills, the following tips for copy editing can help you become an expert in the field, whether you're editing your own work or others'.

tips for copy editing

If you're looking to refine your skills, the following tips for copy editing can help you become an expert in the field, whether you're editing your own work or others'.

  1. Know What You Want to Say

    What you want to say

    Before you start drafting a copy, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what you want to convey and how you will say it. Simply including a lot of interesting data won’t do the job if it's irrelevant. Once you’ve created a rough draft, read it aloud so you can hear the text and instantly identify areas that need improvement or tweaking. A solid foundation is key for good copy editing, and this step helps ensure clarity.

  2. Master the Language

    Know the language

    Watch out for common language errors, such as confusing "you're" with "your" or "their" with "there." These mistakes can easily slip by, but as a copy editor, you need to make sure such errors don’t make it to the final draft. If you come across words that confuse you, don’t hesitate to consult references and dictionaries. Online tools can also help clarify doubts and ensure your work is accurate.

  3. Engage in Self-Evaluation


    When reading your draft, make sure to take notes on the ideas that need further clarification or additional content. This is a useful copyediting basic practice that helps you evaluate the relevance of the text and identify areas for improvement. By writing down your thoughts, you ensure that the final copy includes all the necessary information, presented precisely.

  4. Focus on Spelling and Punctuation

    Spelling and punctuation

    Spelling and punctuation mistakes can undermine your credibility, whether you're working as a freelance editor or within a copyediting company. Understanding the importance of punctuation can make the difference between clarity and confusion. Remember, something as simple as punctuation can change the entire meaning of a sentence, as highlighted in books like Eats, Shoots & Leaves. Be diligent and double-check your spelling and punctuation to avoid mistakes.

  5. Don’t Rush the Process

    Don’t rush

    As a copy editor, it's important to remain calm and patient. Editing takes time. If you’re in a rush, it’s easy to miss errors. Make sure that you gather all your materials and organize the information properly before starting your proofreading process. Following this basic copy editing rule will ensure that the copy flows naturally and the errors are eliminated during the editing phase.

  6. Proofread Diligently


    Proofreading is one of the most effective ways to catch mistakes. However, proofreading immediately after writing can be unproductive. To ensure accuracy, take some time between writing and proofreading, or consider proofreading a printed copy rather than a digital one. This break allows you to view the content from a fresh perspective and catch more errors.

  7. Seek Third-Party Feedback

    Brainstorm for third-party

    When working on high-profile pieces, such as project drafts, cover letters, or résumés, it's always beneficial to get a third-party opinion. Having someone else proofread your work can provide a fresh perspective and help you spot mistakes or unclear sections that you may have missed. This collaborative approach is often used in copyediting services to ensure the highest quality of work.

  8. Stay Curious and Thorough

    Being curious

    A copy editor needs to read each sentence slowly and carefully, evaluating the relevance and impact of every word. Being curious and questioning whether each word fits the context is crucial. This quality helps you improve the overall quality of your edits. Experiment with new styles and language presentation techniques to keep things fresh and avoid falling into a mechanical pattern.

  9. Get Mechanical with Grammar and Structure

    Getting mechanical

    Sticking to proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling is vital to maintaining credibility. As you gain experience in copyediting, you’ll develop your ability to recognize errors quickly. Professional copyediting services often use advanced editing techniques to ensure that the copy is flawless, and you should adopt these practices as you refine your own editing skills.

  10. Ensure Consistency in Style

    Consistency in value

    Consistency is one of the most effective copyediting tips. Create a style guide for the project to list specific phrases, terms, and proper names. This will help you ensure consistency in spelling, terminology, and structure throughout the entire piece. By doing this, you can save time by referring to the guide whenever needed, preventing inconsistencies and helping you maintain a cohesive document.

  11. Categorize Your Progress

    Categorizing the progress

    To stay organized while proofreading, break the document into segments. This way, you can focus on one part of the copy at a time and tackle smaller chunks. Highlight or color-code the sections you've already proofread so you can easily track your progress. Many copyediting companies employ this technique to ensure comprehensive and thorough proofreading. You can always reach out to a copyediting services provider if you need assistance with editing large documents.

While these tips may seem simple, ignoring any of it can be dangerous. Understanding them can help you choose the best professional copyediting services provider from a pool of companies for sure.

Becoming an awesome copy editor doesn’t happen overnight, but by following these tips for copy editing, you can sharpen your skills and ensure high-quality, polished writing. Whether you're proofreading your own work or providing copyediting services to clients, it’s important to understand the value of precision and clarity. By mastering grammar, punctuation, consistency, and organization, you'll produce error-free content that stands out. And if you ever need expert help with editing, don’t hesitate to consult professional copyediting services to take your content to the next level.

Leon William

Working in MAPSystems as a Senior Business Strategist, Leon William has solid experience in strategizing business plans that are targeted to meet business objectives in every way possible. Leon is specifically interested in performing gap analysis and adopting special measures to take the brand to the next level by using the right communication channels. He can handle challenging situations while developing a hard-core strategy for the emerging markets and is passionate about taking the legacy forward.