6 Tips to enhance the quality of magazine layout InDesign

Creative Designs

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In the era of digital and social media, magazines are still quite common print media that are vehemently used for fashion, entertainment, health, tech-related information, and stories. But how do you entice readers into reading your magazine and increase the readership? The trick is to master the art of designing creative magazine layouts in InDesign.

indesign tips for magazine design

This blog covers all the essential aspects of creating attractive magazine layouts in the Adobe InDesign software, which is specially designed to develop exceptional publications with creative front and back covers. Stick with this blog until the end and learn the tips and tricks for creating remarkable magazines.

  1. Make it quick

    Make it quick

    This software offers its users the Gap tool and Live Corner Effects that help them to speed up their work. The C5 and 5.5 updates have also made the software very easy to use.

  2. Create you margin

    Create you margin

    Margins are a vital part of your layout and will allow you to enhance the image for the viewer. Adjust your margin in InDesign by going to Layout option and select margins and column from the top menu. Try to adjust your existing margin by making the bottom and the top margin size as 10mm. You can set up the margin sizes as per your preference.

  3. Get your borders right

    Get your borders right

    Margins are a vital part of your layout and will allow you to enhance the image for the viewer. It is important that you set the borders and bleeds in the initial phase itself. On the contrary, if the same is adjusted in the course of your work, it will alter the rest of the layout which can be troublesome. You can also control the bleeds by going to the ‘Marks and bleeds’ section on the side of the menu.

  4. Create an easy to understand index

    Making a magazine layout in indesign

    There are various types of indexes that can be created using the software. The index is used to give the reader an insight of your document. You can also use the style sheets in InDesign, just as most of the companies do for some great typesetting.

  5. Pay attention to frames

    Pay attention to frames

    All working in InDesign happens within frames. Everything from texts and images are to be placed in separate frames. You can import the text by heading to ‘file’ menu and choosing place option. Image frame will work for same, images can be placed inside the box manually or simply import by dragging them from other files in your computer. This will automatically create an image frame.

  6. See the preview before finalizing the layout

    See the preview before finalizing the layout

    ‘W’ key is used to toggle between the document and working view. It is advised that you get used to the said shortcut. This allows you to get a better view of the entire document beforehand and assists you in finalizing the document with complete perfection.

It is to be remembered that magazines still have a whopping readership and subscribers all over the globe, which makes it uber-essential for any designer, novice or professional, to establish a unique visual identity for their magazine designs. Hope the six tips above-mentioned will assist you in making your layout professional, stylish, and informative.

Let us know if you have created magazine layouts in InDesign before and what your tips are for beginners. We would love to hear your views. Also, if you require a professional team with sound technical prowess to create some fascinating magazine designs, we are at your service!

Leon William

Working in MAPSystems as a Senior Business Strategist, Leon William has solid experience in strategizing business plans that are targeted to meet business objectives in every way possible. Leon is specifically interested in performing gap analysis and adopting special measures to take the brand to the next level by using the right communication channels. He can handle challenging situations while developing a hard-core strategy for the emerging markets and is passionate about taking the legacy forward.