Tips on Designing your Digital eBook Templates


7 minute read

Putting together your publication requires some amount of planning and construction. Please find below few tips which could be of great help in designing eBook templates.

tips for designing ebook templates

Essential Tips for Designing Stunning Digital eBook Templates

  • Simple language usage

    Using simple and clear language helps to clear issues in writing an ebook most of the time. It is the most effective way to convey an idea to the masses. Marketing efforts such as mail marketing and landing page production also require simple and legible language. Usage of keywords will emphasize what the points are. Consistent formats are also important to create an understanding of the material.

  • eBook Design

    Numerous templates are available online which supports PowerPoint and InDesign. It is just a matter of selecting an appropriate slide and using it as a template. Chapter pages can be added by right clicking a slide and selecting Duplicate Slide. Duplicating slides is a method which will allow you to drag a copy of the original page to its proper place. Content structuring is the basis of ebook creation.

  • Visuals and graphics

    It is hard to find required visuals and appropriate artwork supporting your content. But enough research will surely help you to add some interested readers. Not only do they make reading easy but also convey some point to the reader. Topic that you have covered has to be substantiated using proper images which work as a proof of identity. eBook conversion services provided by certain epublishing companies usually provide advice for editors on how to proceed with this step.

  • Highlight quotes

    Just within your design you can add that extra bit of spice by adding highlight to quotes or stats. If they are available within a design, it is sure that the quote when highlighted adds to the genuinity of your material. Emphasizing a quote requires it to keep the same margin with rest of the topic. Keeping design elements aligned using the previously used spacing adds to uniqueness and regularity thereby making it quite an experience to go through your print material.

  • Lead generation and Call-To-Action (CTA)

    If you have completed organizing the content and design of your new eBook, then you should plan on generating leads; attempt to cleverly promote your products among the largest fraction of readers.

    You can send call to action for ebook in emails or in Google Hangouts. Include CTA in social media posts and win the attention of the users skimming platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. CTA links or images invite users to click on them and visit the corresponding page or even your landing page. Watch your visitors getting converted to readers of your ebook. It is also possible to include new CTAs in your ebook and draw the attention of your readers to that impending event. This can be beneficial especially when the promotion of that event is important for you. Engage the readers with the new prospects of your company.

    You can also generate leads for your ebooks using images and videos, Google+ events and hangouts or Adword campaigns with social extensions. Always try to keep the ebook cover design attractive so as to gain the initial traction.

  • Why PDF format for your eBook

    Have you finished creating content for eBook? The next step is to choose an appropriate format for you eBook such as PDF before transferring to readers. The PDF or Portable Document File is the right format for your eBook. It is safe to use PDF as it displays well on any device and this will increase the convenience of the readers. Though it is quite easy to use a Word or PowerPoint format for your eBooks, the contents can easily be manipulated in these format. But PDF is non-editable and can be a trusted format for the conversion of eBook. However, make your ebook mobile friendly as readers use multiple hand-held devices these days and mobile friendly ebook is something inevitable for you to get maximum sales.

  • Create landing page for eBook

    If you want your eBook to be available to plenty of readers, then provide the option to download it using a landing page on your site. They should enter their information and access the digital book easily. Great ebook landing page design will dynamically increase the sales.

  • Plan your eBook pomotion

    You can easily promote and sell your eBook online. Here are some operative ebook promotion ideas.

    • Feature your digital book on your website by posting the link
    • Promotion through blogs is effective. Include a short content from the digital book in a blog and post it. This will capture the interests of many readers and they will be eager to read the books and get more information on the topic
    • You can send emails on the latest eBook to the contacts of your company and capture their interests
    • Plan marketing through ads and other promotional campaigns to gain new readers for your ebooks
    • Do not forget social media to introduce your eBook among the multitude of users. Publish new posts of your eBook on social media platform. Provide share option within your ebook for easy promotion using social media

    How to find if your eBook is launched successfully?

    You will have to use marketing analytic strategies. Using analytics, find out the downloads of your eBook. It should ideally give you a fair idea on the sales and acceptance of your eBook.

    As an amateur it is very important to follow these eBook designing and promoting tips to have an idea of building quality digital books. Free resources available in the internet will help you to create stunning books within no time. You can also read tips to design your eBook from scratch.


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