Discover the Best Sites for Free 3D Character Model Downloads
We all love things that come for free. However, you should also know that good thing come with a price. The same goes for character 3D models as well.
The websites that we are about to mention are legit and will definitely help to download free 3D character models. But, you need to make sure that you refer to these sites only for design inspiration. If you truly wish that your 3D characters become the hallmark of your project, it’s imperative to put in your creativity and effort. Let's begin with understanding the concept.

What are 3D character models?
These are three-dimensional models basically representing a human body. Just like humans, the models will also have imperfections and failings. A 3D character is irrational, has a sense of reality, and has its own story. Unlike the 2D characters, they are not predictable and logical.
3D character models are often used for entertainment purposes, primarily for movies and video games. When 3D printed, these models can be used as action figures, figurines, or board game pieces. Otherwise, you can also animate them with CAD.
10 best sites to download free 3D character models from
The site hosts a massive collection of real-time, animated, and rigged free 3D character models that are designed by professional character artists. Both free and paid three-dimensional models are available on this site, where around 1400 character models can be downloaded free of charge.
Despite the models being free, most of the models are professionally designed, realistic, and of high quality. You can find them in various file formats such .ma, .mb, .obj, .rvt, .stl, or .3ds. Apart from that, you can also find Unity 3D models for free download here.
CGTrader is one of the most popular marketplaces and communities for three-dimensional models. Here, designers can share their models either for a price or completely free of charge. The community also allows users to post and find jobs.
Around 2700 character 3D models can be found on this site, which are of good quality and they come in different varieties. The file-type that it generally supports includes Unity, Revit, 3DS, Rhino, STL, Blender, Maya, etc. Apart from this, you can also find other sites that can help you to free download Autodesk Maya 3D models.
The platform, Renderosity is generally dedicated to three-dimensional art. But, it also has a model marketplace that includes a variety of items such as characters, objects, props, animals, and scenes. Apart from the marketplace, the site also has a community forum, a section for tutorials, and varied sections concerning merchant and gaming resources.
The models can be either free or paid and the number of paid models is larger. However, the marketplace is appropriately structured and can provide information regarding how it was made. The varied file types available are OBJ, STL, Blender, SVG, etc.
Free3D is another amazing website that offers free 3D models. The best part of this website is that you don’t have to search for free models as all will be available for free. This doesn’t mean that there will be no paid models. Of course, it will be there but on a different page. So, unless you ask for it, you won’t see it.
It has a very positive opinion by users. It is easy to use and has a neat and informative user interface. The free 3D character download models will be available in .stl, .fbx, .ma, .mb, and .obj formats and can be downloaded with just a single click.
This is an excellent platform that enables sharing, publishing, and distributing of both static and animated 3D character models. Here, each model is categorized, thereby making it easier for users to find them. The models are available in different file-types such as FBX, Blender, OBJ, Maya, Unity, Revit, etc.
The platform provides integrated support for WebVR and WebGL protocols. It means that you can easily view the model in a 3D environment, turn on and off its finishing and texture, move it around, and examine its wireframe.
Blend Swap
This platform is mainly dedicated to help artists who use Blender for sharing and demonstrating their work. It means you’ll find a lot of free 3D character models for Blender. The search engine isn’t very powerful. So, you might face a little difficultly in searching for a particular type of model.
It is one of the top sites that allow all Blender 3d models for free download. However, the number permitted to download is limited and will vary according to the type of subscription that you’ve availed.
The site contains a good collection of free 3D models from varied sources and platforms. So, if you are looking for Unity, Maya, or Revit 3d models for free download, you’ll get it here.
The number of character 3D models available is around 6500. Each will have a different style and quality, and will be categorized based on its genre and file format. It is relatively comfortable to use since you don’t need a subscription or registration to use it.
It is originally a cloud-based environment for developing three-dimensional models. However, it also hosts a wide range of human 3D models for free download. You can also find them in different styles. The different file types available here are OBJ, FBX, web3d, STL, etc.
Due to the absence of sophisticated search feature, spotting the right model from the large collection may not be very easy. But, the best part of using this platform is that it allows you to download as well as edit them online.
Renderpeople is one of the best online marketplaces for downloading three-dimensional models of real people in various poses. You’ll find free 3D female character models as well as male character models that are either rigged or animated.
The site has over 3000 models with a few samples supporting each category. The file-types that it basically supports are Unity, OBJ, FBX, etc. You may also find free 3D Maya character models for download.
All the sites that we have mentioned here are capable to give your design ideas the needed boost. So, take time and have a look at each of these websites to figure out the best site to download free 3D character models from based on your project.
In case you need help with creating one, you can contact leading 3D designing companies offering 3D modeling services and can surely be of great help when it comes to meeting your 3D character model development needs.