Web Banner Design: 12 Powerful Tips for Better Sales
In this modern world of computers and internet, all businesses wish to increase their online presence and attract customers from all over the world. This is where web ad design come into play. Striking banner ads with irresistible captions successfully steal the eye-balls of internet users. Many of them could be potential customers and you can’t afford to lose them. Investing in banner ads is a good idea these days. However, you must master certain banner design tips and tricks.
The creation of banner ads isn’t child’s play and takes much more than what you think. There are important guidelines you must adhere to and all companies are out there to understand and apply them in a productive manner. It is the best method to develop brand awareness due to the cost-effective and measurable nature. We give you few important tips to design eye-catchy banner ads and send your sales skyrocketing.

Advertisement Banner Designing Tips
Select standard sizes
There are certain banner design sizes that are considered ideal by most of the professionals. These are 728×90px (leader board), 300×600px (half page), 300×250px (medium rectangle) and 336×280px (large rectangle). Google AdSense regards these sizes as successful ones and hence this must be kept in mind.
Put them in hierarchy order
The impact of each and every banner ad revolves around the precise usage of hierarchy. Order of elements is crucial to pull in quality traffic. You should order them strategically to invite the attention of targets. They are
- Company’s logo
- Value proposition
- visual depiction
- Call to action (CTA) button
Simplicity is the key
Amid all your banner design ideas, it is always better to stay simple. All illustrations and wordings should be simple, straightforward, coherent and easy to understand. Keep in mind the fact that online users aren’t going to spare more than few seconds on your ad. So, convey maximum ideas in the short span of time.
Employ clear-cut boundaries
Customers have an eye for concisely written content placed inside boxes with clear-cut boundaries. The frame of the box plays a pivotal role in presenting the content in an engaging manner. Ideally, those graphical components must expand to the box’s boundaries. A1 pixel border in gray color is advisable for a white colored advertisement.
Try to use animation
It is a well-known fact that awe-inspiring animation successfully captures attention and holds onlookers in thrall. Static banner ads cannot command humongous attention the way animated banners does. Your website banner design can reach great heights through the clever usage of superior quality animation. However, these elaboration shouldn’t prevent customers from reading and understanding the message. The key is to restrain oneself from going overboard. Animated web banners must not be longer than 15 seconds. Simple and uncomplicated animations are suitable and shouldn’t loop more than thrice. Its last frame has to present the obvious call to take action.
Utilize the call-to-action button suitably
Last but not least, make your call to action as powerful and compelling as possible. A good call to action doubles the Click Through Rate (CTR) and is considered as the lifeline of online banner ads. The bottom right corner position is the best slot to place it. The color should be strikingly different from the advertisement’s other parts. Above all, the call to action shouldn’t beat around the bush or lie steeped in figurative meanings. Straightforward, simple, and clear calls connect with users instantly. Besides, also ensure consistency in all the ads you design. True, some ads use the above-mentioned gimmicks. However, an effective banner ad design never works that way.
Text should be readable
Easily readable content converts more website visitors into loyal customers. You can’t expect online users to spend much time on the advertisement, trying to figure out those indecipherable mess of words cramped into a tiny box. Take time to break it down for them. An effective text has a headline and body made up of varied sizes. The copy shouldn’t comprise more than four sentences. When you create banner ads, make sure that you don’t use cursive or similar fancy fonts. Also, fonts should not be very thin or below 10 pt.
Pick your banner colors sensibly
Companies offering banner design services professionally are very careful when it comes to the selection of colors. A colorful banner design enhances the attractiveness of the whole thing. Colors that stand out are capable of holding the attention of online users. While it is profitable to transform banner ads into a riot of color, take extra care to pick the right one. This is because of the belief that colors have meanings. Several colors are associated with certain emotions. For example, vehicles come to a screeching halt at the sight of a red traffic signal. Same goes here. Cultures too play a special role in it. Meanings of certain colors change in the eyes of people from another part of the globe. This aspect has to be tackled tactically.
A thorough study of your target audience helps a lot. Banner color combination shouldn’t offend and frighten anyone or your business might suffer. The Western society views red as the color of love, passion, elation and anger. There isn’t an iota of doubt that red is a compulsive head-turner. Still, it is advisable to exercise restraint when you feel like splashing the color all over.
Red keeps your aim is that classic, serious appearance with oodles of maturity.
Orange packs exuberance and enthusiasm, even though less intense than red. Radiating energy, the color is the perfect fit for the button that calls for action.
Yellow is associated with brightness and sunshine. It conveys the spirit of friendship like no other color. It casts the image of sprightly individuals.
Green encompasses anything that is full of life. No wonder it includes health, nature, growth, financial well-being, freshness and fresh starts
Blue is features in vast majority of logos. It is suitable for conveying ideas like safety, refreshment, manliness, maturity, clarity and formality. Another color that comes close on the heels of red is pink. Nothing exudes romance better than pink. The color usually denotes aspects that are feminine such as sweetness, cuteness, babies etc.
Pink is connected to feminine aspects, brown serves the opposite purpose. Manliness, toughness and seriousness are reminded here. A perfect addition for background textures, the color also symbolizes leather, rugged landscapes, wild nature and wooden materials.
White is widely accepted, the color stands for peace, purity, hygiene, neatness, modernity, chastity and honesty.
Purple evokes a luxurious look, signifies royal grandeur, knowledge, creative endeavors and magical power.
Gray color which treads the neutral and practical path. It augments other colors when placed in the backdrop.
Go for small files, right formats
Google Ad words maintains that smaller files are appropriate. A file size below 150 kb is preferred by them. This is to ensure that your advertisements load faster. As mentioned above, online users have poor attention span and prefer to scroll down or click another link as quickly as possible. In order to seize their attention, your advertisements must load faster. It is a matter of concern when your painstakingly crafted works fail to garner those eye-balls they deserve. In addition, use the best file format for banner ads. You’re working deliverables are GIF, JPG, PNG and HTML5. Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Animate and Google Web Designer could be used in the process. Flash ads aren’t any more in vogue, so choose other file formats for images.
The above mentioned tips for creating web banner ads can help you develop banner ad design best practices and come up with dazzling banner ads that nudge ahead of rivals. Nevertheless, seek professional graphic design services company assistance. A banner ad design services provider could deliver those dream-like ads, tailor-made to suit your designing requirements.