Expert Tips to Enhance Your Car Photography Editing Skills

Photo Editing

7 minute read

Looking to boost your sales for your automobile business?
How can you stand out from your competitors in showcasing the best to your prospects?

Read on to know how you can make the best out of your automobile business - especially dealing with cars.

If you are into the automobile industry, then you would have probably experienced the complexities of showcasing your products in the best way. That too, with the world going digital, simple raw images are not fair enough to close a deal on your website.

Getting more viewers on your website is daunting too! However, it becomes much simpler with the right car photography and editing. A vehicle image editing service can be the best solution for all your needs. Editing car photos in photoshop can enhance the look and feel of your website. Even if you are not an expert in editing, this article can be helpful for you.

Read till the end to understand the tips that can help you in your car photography editing.

Will an appealing vehicle photo affect your business? Definitely yes!

Car photography editing

Car image editing

It is important because it helps you remove unwanted objects and make your image more professional. Above all, vehicle retouching via photoshop gives the image an impressive look.

It is quite common that the raw images will not have the required quality and may look inconsistent. But photoshop retouching can bring positive changes and help remove all the flaws and adjust brightness. Finally, your image gets a professional look.

Sounds good?

Let us look at some of the best tips and tricks applied to car image editing.

Car photography editing tips and tricks

If car photography excites you, then you must know certain tips that help you act better in the field. Even some minute factors affect a lot in photography. The way to click the photos may not matter, but how you edit them - matters a lot!

  • Basic editing knowledge of photoshop

    Basic editing knowledge of photoshop

    Basic knowledge and expertise in photoshop and all other editing tools are required. Vehicle photography editing is not an exception, and all these basics will apply to all the photo editing services.

    Basic editing tasks include clipping path, blemish removal, retouching, etc.

  • Removal of Distracted elements

    Removal of Distracted elements
    • Removing unwanted objects in your photograph can help make that image look perfect.
    • Using a Clone stamp tool can help you make your photograph stunning.
  • Shadow creation

    Shadow creation

    The creation of shadows for the photos is highly recommended to avoid the air floating look. It helps you to enhance the natural look of the vehicle. Depending on the need, the two types of shadows that may be applied include drop shadow and natural shadow.

  • Crop photos to get the best output

    Crop photos to get the best output

    Cropping a photograph accurately is the most important thing in editing. Photographs taken when your car moves at high speed will need cropping. Try to focus on removing the things that look unusual to your eyes.

  • Interior parts editing

    Interior parts editing

    Editing all the interior parts in the vehicle will have an extraordinary impact on the viewer. Amazing interiors can impress the potential buyer and increase the chances of sales. Using different tools will enhance the look of the photograph.

  • Adding or removing the brand details

    Adding or removing the brand details

    While taking a photograph of a car, brand details might be captured. Sometimes a brand name will not be captured in your photograph. In either of these cases, you can add or remove the brand details based on the need.

How to edit car photos by utilizing the filters?

Filters are the best to make your photography editing successful. With their default settings, it becomes easy to choose what is needed. To make your photograph more appealing to the customers, you have many filters in Photoshop software.

The vehicle is the major focus in the editing process, and editing should not be overdone. It might result in creating a bad impression on your customers.

  • Background customization

    Background customization

    Background plays a crucial role in any photo. In-car photos are important to attract more customers. Customizing the background will make it eye-catchy. Either remove the background to make it transparent or add the background according to the requirement.

    Surprisingly, you may even get a lot of impressions and traffic to your website!

  • Removing the reflection of the mirror

    Removing the reflection of the mirror

    Vehicle photographs shot with the flash have a common issue of mirror reflection. In editing your car photos, you have to remove this reflection. The car body might look shiny, and it might be reflected in the photograph. Reflection is a distraction for the viewers and might result in a negative buying decision.

  • Adjustments of colors

    Adjustments of colors

    The color of the cars is a decisive factor for the customer. Most car sales online require showcasing the car's accurate color.

    The photographer gets distracted on a sunny day, and hence car photographs will not be perfect with the colors. Car color and the sky color play a vital role, and to adjust the car color, you can utilize the clipping path tool that can help increase the saturation. Usage of these specific tools can make your car photos more vibrant.

  • Removal of dust and dent

    Removal of dust and dent
    • Dent on the car is visible in the photographs, and it can kick out the potential customers. So make sure to remove the dents in the photos.
    • Usage of Lasso tools from photoshop can help remove the dent. You can also liquify the dented area, or the other way is to use a quick selection tool to replace the dent with plain areas.
  • Sky retouching process

    Sky retouching process

    The sky is an integral part of any photograph which is shot outdoors. The car should match the sky, and you can achieve it with a retouch. You may need the key retouching for the images shot in the evening, needing more saturation.

  • Removing the blurriness in the image

    Removing the blurriness in the image

    In moving car photos removing the blur is important. A moving car may have many blur parts in it. Remove the blurry areas and make your photographs normal. You can choose the sharpen option and then go with the shake reduction to remove them because your audience may not like to view the blurred images.

  • Windows Retouching

    Windows Retouching
    • The window is the most visible part of a car, and it reflects the outside world through glass. Retouching the window will be the only option you will have to opt for.
    • Try out the plain colors as it looks best for windows, and also keep the window color the same while you edit.


There you go! A bunch of handy yet effective tips to make your car photography editing workflow all the more efficient. Practicing these tips will not only drive precision in your editing, but will also make the final outcome immensely attractive. Automobile photos must be uniquely creative and visually captivating to make heads turn. Therefore, it is mandatory to edit these images with perfection and elegance.

Most of these tips are utilized by professionals in automobile photo editing services. This creates a whole set of attractive marketing and sales materials for any car manufacturing brand.

If you also own a similar automobile manufacturing company, contact a professional photo editing companies that can deliver the best edited photos. Use them for your marketing, promotional, and lead-gen activities, and witness a surge of quality leads!